52 Weekends in Novi Sad

When acquaintances from abroad come to visit, I usually take them to the Museum of Vojvodina. The common deeds of the population of Vojvodina to contribute to the history of Europe are kept here. It is a proof of the continuity of human traces, myths, history, and culture created on the territory of Vojvodina from prehistory to modern times. Here we recognize ourselves as those who grew up on the heritage of cultures that developed in the area of Vojvodina and belong to the heritage of Europe. I make sure to show the guests the extraordinary archeological exhibit, take a few photos next to the parade Roman helmets, reminding them that the former Sirmium, today Sremska Mitrovica, was one of the four centers of the Roman Empire. After visiting the ethnological part and the one that represents the anti-fascist struggle of the people of Vojvodina in the neighboring building, we end the tour with a debate on why the historical development of Vojvodina – from prehistory to modern times – is insufficiently known outside its borders.

Text: Gordana Stojaković
Tourist Organization of the City of Novi Sad
Photo: Dragan Kurucić