Spomenik prirode Slapovi Sopotnice

Prirodna blaga Srbije

Slapovi Sopotnice nalaze se se na zapadnim obroncima Jadovnika, nedaleko od Prijepolja. Za ovu živopisnu i plahovitu planinsku rečicu osobene su velike visinske razlika između najvišeg izvora na preko hiljadu metara namorske visine i ušća u Lim na oko 500 m, posle svega 3,5 km dugog tok. Područje je stavljeno pod zaštitu radi očuvanja njenih vrednosti koju čine četiri kraška vrela, više izvora i sedam bigrenih terasa preko kojih otiče voda, gradeći živopisne vodopade i slapove. Najveći, takozvani „Veliki vodopad”, nalazi se u gornjem toku i visok je 25 m. Poznat je i cenjen sopotnički bigar, mekan, šupljikav kamen od čijih blokova su sagrađeni obližnji manastiri Mileševa i Davidovica.

Legenda o Sopotnici

Nekada davno, jednog veoma sušnog leta, kada su sva izvorišta usahnula, Bog seljanima ponudi da biraju – vodu ili sreću. Legenda kaže da su izabrali vodu, a za sreću rekoše da će se izboriti sami. Tada sa visova Jadovnika, iz kamena, poteče hladna i pitka reka Sopotnica, koja do dana današnjeg nikad nije presušila. Tako meštani dobiše vodu na korist, a s njom i sreću.

Zanemele, lepe valjarice

Vekovima su na sopotničkim vodopadima radile mnoge vodenice i valjarice, a stanovništvo živelo od mlevenja žitarica i valjanja sukna. Pred naletom industrijalizacije ostalo ih je tek nekoliko. One su sačuvale izgled, ali više ne rade. Danas su atrakcija za posetioce koji ne propuštaju priliku da se, za uspomenu, fotografišu kraj ovih lepotica.

Tekst i fotografije: Svetlana Dingarac
By |2019-06-30T22:09:48+02:00jun 28th, 2019|Priroda i avanture|0 Comments

Sopotnica Waterfalls Monument of Nature

Natural goods of Serbia

The Sopotnica waterfalls are located on the western slopes of Mt. Jadovnik, close to the town of Prijepolje. In just 3.5 km of its flow, this picturesque mountain river creates a large number of waterfalls due to the significant differences in the heights between its highest spring about 1000 m above sea-level and its confluence with the river Lim about 500 m above sea-level. The area is under the protection of the state in order to preserve the natural values consisting of four karst springs and seven siga stone terraces, through which water flows, creating vivid slopes. The largest waterfall, the so-called “Big Waterfall”, is located upstream and is 25 m in height. Famous siga, the soft, sandstone from whose blocks the nearby monasteries of Mileševa and Davidovica were built, is also known.

A Legend about Sopotnica

Once upon a time, during a hot summer, all springs dried up. Then, God offered the villagers to choose between water and happiness. The legend says they chose water, whereas when happiness was concerned, they said they would fight for themselves. Then, cold and clear water began to flow at the heights of Jadovnik. The river Sopotnica has never dried up to date. So, the villagers got the water for their own benefit, and happiness came to them with it, too.

Silent, beautiful Watermills

Many watermills in this area had been operated by the power of the  Sopotnica river for centuries, and the inhabitants used to make their living by grinding grain into flour and from mule spinning. Today, only few of them have remained, having preserved their appearance, but inoperable any longer. Nowadays, they are an attraction for visitors, who miss no single opportunity to take a photo of these silent beauties.

Text & photo by Svetlana Dingarac
By |2019-06-28T15:16:32+02:00jun 28th, 2019|Nature and Adventures|0 Comments

BelGuest Magazine

BelGuest is a high-quality seasonal tourist magazine, issued continually since 2001. The National Tourism Organization of Serbia is our main partner. The BelGuest Magazine’s primary aim is to promote the tourist, culture & event offer of the main Serbian cities – Belgrade, Novi Sad & Niš. In our articles, travelogues and interviews we cover a broad range of topics: from the presentation of cultural heritage, via thematic tourist routes and excursions, all the way to the “little things that matter“, such as souvenirs, wines and food.

BelGuest Magazin

BelGuest Magazine je turistički magazin visokog kvaliteta, koji izlazi u kontinuitetu od 2001. godine. Glavni partner nam je Turistička organizacija Srbije. Naš osnovni cilje jeste promocija turističke i kulturne ponude, kao i događaja u najvećim gradovima Srbije – Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu. Kroz tekstove, putopise i intrevjue pokrivamo širok spektar tema: od prezentacije kulturnog nasleđa, preko tematskih turističih ruta i izleta, sve do zanimljivih „sitnica“, poput odabranih suvenira, vina i hrane.

BelGuest Summer 2019

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