„Ispunjeni dani u Sokobanji“

I dok gradovi čekaju povratak turista i poslovnih ljudi, u banjskim i planinskim mestima Srbije traži se mesto više. Sokobanja, koja je tokom protekle sezone imala stoprocentnu popunjenost, sprema se za nastupajuću godinu.  Kako bi zainteresovala buduće posetioce, ali  svojim gostima pružila detaljne i sadržajne informacije o tome kako da provedu vreme u Banji, Turistička organizacija je objavila novi  turističkki prospekt pod naslovom „Ispunjeni dani u Sokobanji“. Akcenat je stavljen na nenadmašnu izletničku ponudu.

By |2020-12-25T19:37:50+01:00decembar 21st, 2020|Banje i planine, Događaji|Komentari su isključeni na „Ispunjeni dani u Sokobanji“

„Fulfilling days in Sokobanja Spa“

While cities are waiting for the return of tourists and business people, in the spa and mountain resorts of Serbia it is hard to find a place to stay. Sokobanja Spa which, during the past season was one hundered percent booked, prepares for the upcoming season. In order to attract future visitors and give its current guests detailed and valid information on how to spend time in the Spa, the Tourist Organization has just published the new  brochure entitled „Fulfilling days in Sokobanja Spa“. Emphasis is placed on the unsurpassed excursion offer.

By |2020-12-25T19:44:59+01:00decembar 21st, 2020|Events, Spas & Mountains|Komentari su isključeni na „Fulfilling days in Sokobanja Spa“

BelGuest Magazine

BelGuest is a high-quality seasonal tourist magazine, issued continually since 2001. The National Tourism Organization of Serbia is our main partner. The BelGuest Magazine’s primary aim is to promote the tourist, culture & event offer of the main Serbian cities – Belgrade, Novi Sad & Niš. In our articles, travelogues and interviews we cover a broad range of topics: from the presentation of cultural heritage, via thematic tourist routes and excursions, all the way to the “little things that matter“, such as souvenirs, wines and food.

BelGuest Magazin

BelGuest Magazine je turistički magazin visokog kvaliteta, koji izlazi u kontinuitetu od 2001. godine. Glavni partner nam je Turistička organizacija Srbije. Naš osnovni cilje jeste promocija turističke i kulturne ponude, kao i događaja u najvećim gradovima Srbije – Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu. Kroz tekstove, putopise i intrevjue pokrivamo širok spektar tema: od prezentacije kulturnog nasleđa, preko tematskih turističih ruta i izleta, sve do zanimljivih „sitnica“, poput odabranih suvenira, vina i hrane.

BelGuest Summer 2019

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