Famous Serbian photographers: Željko Sinobad

Lightning sky above Belgrade, a kitten living in the window


“A self-portrait of every photographer, as presented by a colleague, consists of three photographs:  Head – you have to understand what and why you’re photographing; Hands – that you know how to use the tool and Heart – it means that the photograph, whatever the motive is, should come from one’s self, from one’s soul”, Željko Sinobad

BelGuest Magazine

BelGuest is a high-quality seasonal tourist magazine, issued continually since 2001. The National Tourism Organization of Serbia is our main partner. The BelGuest Magazine’s primary aim is to promote the tourist, culture & event offer of the main Serbian cities – Belgrade, Novi Sad & Niš. In our articles, travelogues and interviews we cover a broad range of topics: from the presentation of cultural heritage, via thematic tourist routes and excursions, all the way to the “little things that matter“, such as souvenirs, wines and food.

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