The Holy Places of the Pčinja River Valley


In south of Serbia, at the foot of the Dukat Mountain, the river Pčinja originates. On its way towards Macedonia, it forms one of the most beautiful fluvial valleys in our country. This interesting landscape,  preserves the significant pages of the Serbian mediaeval history. We are presenting you a photo-story about the three most significant sacrosanct assets of the Pčinja Valley. 

Sveta mesta doline Pčinje


Na krajnjem jugu Srbije, podno Dukat planine, nastaje reka Pčinja koja na svom putu ka Makedoniji, formira jednu od najlepših rečnih dolina naše zemlje. Ovaj zanimljiv predeo u svojim vrletima čuva značajne stranice srpske srednjovekovne istorije. Donosimo Vam foto-priču o tri najznačajnije svetinje iz doline Pčinje.

Caves of Eastern Serbian


“In Eastern Serbia, limestone rocks occupy a large area. The effect of erosion created a multitude of sinkholes, coves, cliffs, waterfalls, caves etc. This is a marvellous phenomenon of the region containing the largest concentration of caves in Serbia. For a long time I’ve been exploring this magical underground area,” says Kostić, introducing us to this world.

Pećine istočne Srbije


U planinama istočne Srbije krečnjačke stene zauzimaju veliko prostranstvo.  Delovanjem erozije nastalo je mnoštvo vrtača, uvala, klisura, vodopada, pećina... To je čudesan fenomen ovog podneblja u kojem postoji najveća koncentracija pećina u Srbiji. „Već dugo istražujem ove čarobne podzemne prostore”, Stanko Kostić, uvodeći  nas u svet dvorana, figurina, svetlucavog nakita.  

Exhibition – Old crafts


In cooperation with the “Belgrade Waterfront” company, the National Tourism Organization of Serbia has for a longer time now been organizing thematic exhibitions in the open air, in a nice-looking and inspiring space of the Sava Promenade – a promenade on the very riverbank of the Sava. There is an ongoing exhibition there, dedicated to [...]

Izložba stari zanati


Šaroliki svet Turistička organizacija Srbije, u sardanji s kompanijom „Beograd na vodi“, već duže vreme organizuje tematske izložbe na otvorenom, u lepom i inspirativnom prostoru Sava promenade – šetališta na samoj obali reke Save. U toku je izložba sa temom starih zanata čiji vam deo prenosimo.  Fotografije su delo Rozane Sazdić.

“Kragujevac for Beginners and Indigenous Inhabitants”


„The photographs that I’d been taking for years tell their own story about the city, a visual history that is going on before our eyes easily, naturally, and free of any redundant particularities. The people are those who make the book realistic. For the major part, those are the details pulled from people’s lives, the real life photographs that are taken in a fraction of a second impossible to anticipate.“

„Kragujevac za početnike i starosedeoce“


„Fotografije koje sam godinama snimao pričaju svoju priču o gradu, jednu vizuelnu istoriju koja se lako i prirodno i bez suvišnih pojedinosti odvija pred našim očima. Ljudi čine knjigu realnom. većinom su to detalji istrgnuti iz života, one prave lajf fotografije koje nastaju u deliću sekunde koji ne možete predvideti“.

BelGuest Magazine

BelGuest is a high-quality seasonal tourist magazine, issued continually since 2001. The National Tourism Organization of Serbia is our main partner. The BelGuest Magazine’s primary aim is to promote the tourist, culture & event offer of the main Serbian cities – Belgrade, Novi Sad & Niš. In our articles, travelogues and interviews we cover a broad range of topics: from the presentation of cultural heritage, via thematic tourist routes and excursions, all the way to the “little things that matter“, such as souvenirs, wines and food.

BelGuest Magazin

BelGuest Magazine je turistički magazin visokog kvaliteta, koji izlazi u kontinuitetu od 2001. godine. Glavni partner nam je Turistička organizacija Srbije. Naš osnovni cilje jeste promocija turističke i kulturne ponude, kao i događaja u najvećim gradovima Srbije – Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu. Kroz tekstove, putopise i intrevjue pokrivamo širok spektar tema: od prezentacije kulturnog nasleđa, preko tematskih turističih ruta i izleta, sve do zanimljivih „sitnica“, poput odabranih suvenira, vina i hrane.

BelGuest Summer 2019

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